Comde-Derenda GmbH takes part in the European Aerosol Conference again this year. The conference will take place from 25th to 30th August 2019 in Gothenburg on the exhibition site. Thematically, the biggest European exhibition covers many areas, for example combustion aerosols, chemistry and physics of aerosols, health aspects, indoor and ambient aerosols, nanotechnology and a broad exhibition of measurement and monitoring devices.
A detailed program and further information can be found here. Comde-Derenda GmbH presents the new automatic weighing system for environmental monitoring, the AWS-1RE, with fully RFID-aided data handling. We also show the current version 4 of our dust sampler PNS T-DM, as well as other devices of our product lines. We are looking forward to welcome you at our booth.
Date: 25th - 30th August 2019
Venue: Exhibition and Congress Center, Korsvägen, Gothenburg
Booth number: 11