After establishing a company-wide environmental management system according to the regional standards of Brandenburg, Comde-Derenda GmbH gained the certificate “Brandenburger Umweltsiegel“ at the beginning of November 2019. The certification is awarded in the context of the environmental network “Umweltpartnerschaft Brandenburg”.
An important goal of the environmental management system is to reduce the usage of energy and materials and to ensure a careful handling of resources by structured working methods. It should also train all employees for a better perception of relevant environmental aspects and establish a responsible handling of materials and their disposal.
Mr. Claus Heuberger from the Brandenburg Ministry for Rural Development, Environment and Agriculture presented the certification on 07th November on the company site. The IHK Potsdam was also taking part.
For Comde-Derenda GmbH, the successful introduction of environmental management meant an important step towards a more sustainable production process. In the future, all company departments will further optimize their handling of relevant environmental topics and consistently pursue the aim of the greatest possible environmental friendliness.